History,Archeology and Byzantine History and Literature
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Historia Numorum A manual of Greek Numismatics,second Edition
New and enlarged Edition by Barclay V.Head assisted by G.F.Hill,George Macdonald,and W.Wroth,1991,Reprint of the Edition Oxford 1911, ISBN 90-256-1008-0,977 pages,Indexes I Geographical II King and Dynast III Remarkle Inscriptions,IV Titles and Epithets of Cities and Mentions of Sites Greek and Latin, V Magisterial Title Greek and Latin, VI Engravers'Names.Index Rerum,Table of Weights ,Table of Measurements,Plates of Alphabets I Etruscan,Umbrian ,Oscan,and Latin II Greek Earlier,Greeek Later and Lycian III Cypriote,IV Phoenician Earlier and Later,Punic Earlier and Later,Israelite Earlier and Later,
Aramaic(Satrap Coins) V Kharothi Letters in Graeco-Indian Coins,incl.many ills.Hd, euro 168.-
ADOLF M.HAKKERT PUBLISHING COMP. S.W.KOS CIF/NIF:X0687933A Classical Philology,Byzantium
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